
As of January 10, 2025, our work has been cited 2907 times, with an h-index of 24, and an i-10 index of 33 according to Google Scholar Favicon Google Scholar.

Borjigin, A., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2025). Individual differences elucidate the perceptual benefits associated with robust temporal fine-structure processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122(1), e2317152121. PDF PubMed www
Osorio, S., Tan, J., Levine, G., Ahlfors, S. P., Graham, S., Mamashli, F., ... Bharadwaj*, H. M., & Kenet*, T. (2025). [*Equal contribution as senior authors] Decreased auditory cortical activations and altered long-range alpha-band connectivity characterize passive auditory spatial attention in ASD. bioRxiv, 2025.01.02.631088. PDF PubMed www PREPRINT

Singh, R., & Bharadwaj, H. (2024). Efficient modular system identification provides a high-resolution assay of temporal processing and reveals the multilevel effects of attention along the human auditory pathway. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology , 2024.08.11.607503. DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.11.607503 PDF www PREPRINT
Hauser, S. N., Hustedt-Mai, A. R., Wichlinski, A., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2024). The relationship between distortion product otoacoustic emissions and audiometric thresholds in the extended high-frequency range. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology , 2024.07.05.601801. DOI: 10.1101/2024.07.05.601801 PDF PubMed www PREPRINT
Kim, S., Schroeder, M., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2024). Effect of digital noise-reduction processing on subcortical speech encoding and relationship to behavioral outcomes. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology , 2024.10.28.620630. DOI: 10.1101/2024.10.28.620630 PDF PubMed www PREPRINT
Borjigin, A., Kokkinakis, K., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Stohl, J. S. (2023). Deep learning restores speech intelligibility in multi-talker interference for cochlear implant users. Scientific reports , 14(1), 13241. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-63675-8 PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H., Parida, S., Kafi, H., Alexander, J., & Heinz, M. (2024). Overzealous Tail: Distorted Tonotopy Degrades Suprathreshold Sound Coding in Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2024 (MoH 2024) , Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13334652 PDF www
Hauser, S., Sivaprakasam, A., Bharadwaj, H., & Heinz, M. (2024). Precision Diagnostics for Complex Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2024 (MoH 2024) , Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13334652 PDF www
Whiteford, K. L., Baltzell, L. S., Chiu, M., Cooper, J. K., Faucher, S., Goh, P. Y., Hagedorn, A., Irsik, V. C., Irvine, A., Lim, S. J., Mesik, J., Mesquita, B., Oakes, B., Rajappa, N., Roverud, E., Schrlau, A. E., Van Hedger, S. C., Bharadwaj, H. M., Johnsrude, I. S., Kidd, G., Jr, … Oxenham, A. J. (2024). Musical training does not enhance neural sound encoding at early stages of the auditory system: A large-scale multisite investigation. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology , 2024.09.02.610856. DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.02.610856 PDF PubMed www PREPRINT
Salloom, W. B., Wade, K., Bharadwaj, H., & Strickland, E. A. (2024). The effect of broadband elicitor duration on transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions and a psychoacoustic measure of gain reduction. In AIP Conference Proceedings , (Vol. 3062, No. 1). AIP Publishing. PDF PubMed www
Mok, B. A., Viswanathan, V., Borjigin, A., Singh, R., Kafi, H., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2024). Web-based psychoacoustics: Hearing screening, infrastructure, and validation. Behavior Research Methods , Volume 56, pages 1433–1448. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-023-02101-9. PDF PubMed www

Singh, R., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2023). Cortical temporal integration can account for limits of temporal perception: investigations in the binaural system. Communications biology , 6(1), 981. PDF PubMed www
Ginsberg, H., Singh, R., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Heinz, M. G. (2023). A multi-channel EEG mini-cap can improve reliability for recording auditory brainstem responses in chinchillas. Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 398, 109954. PDF PubMed www
Alho, J., Samuelsson, J. G., Khan, S., Mamashli, F., Bharadwaj, H., Losh, A., McGuiggan, N. M., Graham, S., Nayal, Z., Perrachione, T. K., Joseph, R. M., Stoodley, C. J., Hämäläinen, M. S., & Kenet, T. (2023). Both stronger and weaker cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity patterns during processing of spoken sentences in autism spectrum disorder. Human Brain Mapping , 10.1002/hbm.26478. Advance online publication. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., Wilbur, R. B., & Siskind, J. M. (2023). Still an Ineffective Method With Supertrials/ERPs-Comments on "Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features". IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence , 45(11), 14052–14054. PDF PubMed www
Viswanathan, V., Bharadwaj, H. M., Heinz, M. G., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2023). Induced alpha and beta electroencephalographic rhythms covary with single-trial speech intelligibility in competition. Scientific Reports , 13(1), 10216. PDF PubMed www
Salloom, W. B., Bharadwaj, H., & Strickland, E. A. (2023). The effects of broadband elicitor duration on a psychoacoustic measure of cochlear gain reduction. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 153(4), 2482. PDF PubMed www
Ahlfors, S. P., Graham, S., Bharadwaj, H., Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Joseph, R. M., Losh, A., Pawlyszyn, S., McGuiggan, N. M., Vangel, M., Hämäläinen, M. S., & Kenet, T. (2023). No Differences in Auditory Steady-State Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Children. Journal of autism and developmental disorders , 10.1007/s10803-023-05907-w. Advance online publication. PDF PubMed www
Alho, J., Khan, S., Mamashli, F., Perrachione, T. K., Losh, A., McGuiggan, N. M., Graham, S., Nayal, Z., Joseph, R. M., Hämäläinen, M. S., Bharadwaj*, H., & Kenet*, T. (2023). Atypical cortical processing of bottom-up speech binding cues in children with autism spectrum disorders. NeuroImage. Clinical , 37, 103336. [* Equal contribution as senior authors] PDF PubMed www

Bharadwaj, H. M., Hustedt-Mai, A. R., Ginsberg, H. M., Dougherty, K. M., Muthaiah, V. P. K., Hagedorn, A., Simpson, J. M., & Heinz, M. G. (2022). Cross-species experiments reveal widespread cochlear neural damage in normal hearing. Communications biology , 5(1), 733. PDF PubMed www
Ahmed, H., Wilbur, R. B., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Siskind, J. M. (2022). Confounds in the Data-Comments on "Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features". IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence , 44(12), 9217–9220. PDF PubMed www
Peng, Z. E., Waz, S., Buss, E., Shen, Y., Richards, V., Bharadwaj, H., Stecker, G. C., Beim, J. A., Bosen, A. K., Braza, M. D., Diedesch, A. C., Dorey, C. M., Dykstra, A. R., Gallun, F. J., Goldsworthy, R. L., Gray, L., Hoover, E. C., Ihlefeld, A., Koelewijn, T., Kopun, J. G., … Venezia, J. H. (2022). FORUM: Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 151(5), 3116. PDF PubMed www
Kim, S., Wu, Y. H., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Choi, I. (2022). Effect of Noise Reduction on Cortical Speech-in-Noise Processing and Its Variance due to Individual Noise Tolerance. Ear and hearing , 43(3), 849–861. PDF PubMed www
Borjigin, A., Hustedt-Mai, A. R., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2022). Individualized Assays of Temporal Coding in the Ascending Human Auditory System. eNeuro , 9(2), ENEURO.0378-21.2022. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H., Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Singh, R., Joseph, R. M., Losh, A., Pawlyszyn, S., McGuiggan, N. M., Graham, S., Hämäläinen, M. S., & Kenet, T. (2022). Cortical signatures of auditory object binding in children with autism spectrum disorder are anomalous in concordance with behavior and diagnosis. PLoS biology , 20(2), e3001541. PDF PubMed www

Alho, J., Bharadwaj, H., Khan, S., Mamashli, F., Perrachione, T. K., Losh, A., McGuiggan, N. M., Joseph, R. M., Hämäläinen, M. S., & Kenet, T. (2021). Altered maturation and atypical cortical processing of spoken sentences in autism spectrum disorder. Progress in neurobiology , 203, 102077. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2021). What's been hidden in hidden hearing loss. Neuron , 109(6), 909–911. PDF PubMed www
Parida, S., Bharadwaj, H., & Heinz, M. G. (2021). Spectrally specific temporal analyses of spike-train responses to complex sounds: A unifying framework. PLoS computational biology , 17(2), e1008155. PDF PubMed www
Viswanathan, V., Bharadwaj, H. M., Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., & Heinz, M. G. (2021). Modulation masking and fine structure shape neural envelope coding to predict speech intelligibility across diverse listening conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 150(3), 2230. PDF PubMed www
Ahmed, H., Wilbur, R. B., Bharadwaj*, H. M., & Siskind*, J. M. (2021). Object classification from randomized EEG trials. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , (pp. 3845-3854). [*Equal contribution as senior author] PDF www

Li, R., Johansen, J. S., Ahmed, H., Ilyevsky, T. V., Wilbur, R. B., Bharadwaj*, H. M., & Siskind*, J. M. (2020). The Perils and Pitfalls of Block Design for EEG Classification Experiments. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence , 43(1) 316-333. [*Equal contribution as senior author] PDF PubMed www
Lu, H., Mehta, A. H., Bharadwaj, H. M., Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., & Oxenham, A. J. (2020). Comment on ‘Rapid acquisition of auditory subcortical steady state responses using multichannel recordings’. Clinical Neurophysiology , 131(8), 1833. PDF PubMed www
Peng, E., Buss, E., Shen, Y., Bharadwaj, H., Stecker, C., Beim, J., et al. (2020). Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics: Initial report of the ASA P&P Task Force on Remote Testing. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics , 42, 050009. PDF

Bharadwaj, H. M., Mai, A. R., Choi, I., Simpson, J. M., Heinz, M. G., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2019). Non-Invasive Assays of Cochlear Synaptopathy – Candidates and Considerations. Neuroscience, 407, 53-66. PDF PubMed www
Wang, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2019). Assessing cochlear-place specific temporal coding using multi-band complex tones to measure envelope-following responses. Neuroscience, 407, 67-74. PDF PubMed www
Viswanathan, V., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2019). Electroencephalographic Signatures of the Neural Representation of Speech during Selective Attention. eNeuro, 6(5). PDF PubMed www

Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., Losh, A., Pawlyszyn, S. M., Hamalainen, M. S.,& Kenet, T. (2018). Maturational trajectories of local and long-range functional connectivity in autism during face processing. Human Brain Mapping, 39(10), 4094-4104. PDF PubMed www
Khan, S., Hashmi, J. A., Mamashli, F., Michmizos, K.,Bharadwaj, H. M., ... & Kenet, T. (2018). Maturation Trajectories of Cortical Resting-State Networks Depend on the Mediating Frequency Band. NeuroImage, 174, 57-68. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.02.018 PDF PubMed www

Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., Varghese, L., Wang, L., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2017). Individual differences in temporal perception, and their implications for everyday listening. Frequency Following Response: A Window into Human Communication , Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 61, 159-192. Springer Verlag. PDF BOOK CHAPTER

Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., Michmizos, K., Ganesan, S., Garel, K. L. A.,... & Kenet, T. (2016). Auditory processing in noise is associated with complex patterns of disrupted functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research. doi: PDF PubMed www
Khan, S., Hashmi, J. A., Mamashli, F., Bharadwaj, H. M., Ganesan, S., Michmizos, K., ...&Kenet, T.(2016). Altered Onset Response Dynamics in Somatosensory Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10: 255. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00255. PDF PubMed www
Mehraei, G., Hickox, A. E., Bharadwaj, H. M., Goldberg, H., Verhulst, S., Liberman, M.C., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2016). Auditory Brainstem Response Latency in Noise as a Marker of Cochlear Synaptopathy. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(13), 3755-3764. doi: PDF PubMed www

Varghese, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2015). Evidence against attentional state modulating scalp-recorded auditory brainstem steady-state responses. Brain Research, 1626, 146-164. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.06.038. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., Masud, S., Verhulst, S., Mehraei, G., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2015). Individual differences reveal correlates of hidden hearing deficits. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(5): 2161-2172. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.3915-14.2015. PDF PubMed www

Choi, I., Bharadwaj, H. M., Bressler, S., Loui, P., Lee, K., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Automatic processing of abstract musical tonality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8: 988. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00988. PDF PubMed www
Choi, I., Wang, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Individual differences in attentional modulation of cortical responses correlate with selective attention performance. Hearing research, 314, 10-19. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2014.04.008. PDF PubMed www
Bressler,S., Masud,S., Bharadwaj H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham,B.G.(2014). Bottom-up influences of voice continuity in focusing selective auditory attention. Psychological Research, 78(3), 349-360. doi: 10.1007/s00426-014-0555-7. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., Verhulst, S., Shaheen, L., Liberman, M. C., & Shinn-Cunningham, B.G. (2014). Cochlear Neuropathy and the Coding of Supra-threshold Sound. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8: 26. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00026. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Rapid acquisition of auditory subcortical steady-state responses using multichannel recordings. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(9): 1878–1888. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.01.011. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., Lee, A. K., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2014). Measuring Auditory Selective Attention using Frequency Tagging. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 8: 6. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2014.00006. PDF PubMed www

Zhu, L., Bharadwaj, H. M., Xia, J., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2013). A comparison of spectral magnitude and phase-locking value analyses of the frequency-following response to complex tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1), 384-395. PDF PubMed www
Bharadwaj, H. M., Masud, S., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2013). The role of high-frequency cues for spatial hearing in rooms. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics , 19:015049. PDF
Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., Ruggles, D. R., & Bharadwaj, H. M. (2013). How Early Aging and Environment Interact in Everyday Listening: From Brainstem to Behavior Through Modeling. Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception , 501-510. Springer New York. PDF PubMed www BOOK CHAPTER

Kenet, T., Orekhova, E. V., Bharadwaj, H. M., Shetty, N. R., Israeli, E., Lee, A. K. C. et al. (2012). Disconnectivity of the cortical ocular motor control network in autism spectrum disorders. NeuroImage, 61(4), 1226-1234. PDF PubMed www
Lee, A. K. C., Rajaram, S., Xia, J., Bharadwaj, H. M., Larson, E., Hamalainen, M. S., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2012). Auditory selective attention reveals preparatory activity in different cortical regions for selection based on source location and source pitch. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6: 190. PDF PubMed www

Ruggles, D., Bharadwaj, H. M., & Shinn-Cunningham, B. G. (2011). Normal hearing is not enough to guarantee robust encoding of suprathreshold features important in everyday communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of U.S.A, 108(37), 15516-15521. PDF PubMed www
Rajaram, S., Bharadwaj, H. M., Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., & Lee, A. K. C. (2011). Cortical functional connectivity inference using MEG. Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart & 8th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism , 77-80. IEEE. PDF www